Visual Builder Masterclass

by LA - Customer Success Manager 30 Nov 1999

Visual Builder is made for fundraising. This frontend inline editor enables you to build highly engaging experiences, in minutes.

Part 1 of the Masterclass covers fundamental design and layout principles which you and your team should be considering when building any 'great' page.

Part 2 (from 16min) of this Masterclass jumps into a live demonstration, where we build an entire page step by step - optimised for both mobile and desktop.

What you will learn

  • Principles of 'great' page design
  • Best practice in Typography, Buttons, Colour, Imagery, Spacing and Messaging
  • Structural optimisation: Sections, Columns and Blocks
  • Advanced attributes, styles and settings
  • Device optimisation
  • Templates
  • and more...

We hope you've taken away a few learnings, confirmed some of the techniques you are already using, and we look forward to seeing you in our next Masterclass!