Knowledge Base

Embed a map

Google Maps is a useful tool for showcasing your event location and directions on how to get there. Google Maps can be embedded onto content pages on your Funraisin platform pretty easily.

How to obtain embed Code from Google Maps

In order to embed Google Maps on funraisin content pages, we need to get the embed code from Google Maps. 

This can be done by going to the Google Maps website - -  and searching for the location you wish to add.

After searching, click the Share link from the location page and select Embed a map, copy the html generated on this page.

You can choose the map size (small, medium, large, or custom size) by clicking on the drop-down menu next to the HTML code.

How to add a map to any Content Page

Now that you have your embed code, navigate to your website page and edit.

Using Classic Builder or Visual Builder, select to add a Code block where you would like the Maps to display.

Within your code block,  paste in your embedd code and save. You should now have an embedded Google map on your content page.

Once you have embedded your code, do not forget to review on preview, and then publish your page to ensure the changes are visible on your live site.


If you'd like further support, please pop in a support ticket from your platform and our team will assist you.