And that’s it! It’s as simple as that to setup confirmation emails on any web form.
Webforms - confirmation emails
Set up confirmation emails to send to supporters who have submitted a webform.
What is it?
A webform is an additional set of questions that can be added to a registration form or a static page. More information about creating a webform can be found in this support article.
What can I do with it?
Webforms allow you to create a customised set of questions. This may be additional questions being asked within the registration flow, or questions you add to a static page such as a Contact Us page or Register Your Interest page.
Webforms allow you to create unlimited forms and have them embedded on any page within your website. You can also have them embedded within a registration flow for an event to capture any specific information that isn’t part of the standard registration forms.
Often used for lead generation, if you capture email address as part of the form when on a static page, you can trigger an email to be sent once it's been submitted.
Confirmation emails can be set up quickly and easily, they can look however you like and don’t just have to be plain text emails. These confirmation emails can also contain any personalisation from any of the captured form data.
Follow these easy steps to add a confirmation email to your webform.
Creating the confirmation email
When creating or editing your webform, simply select Confirmation from the middle white menu. This is where you can provide thank you messages to your users and set up the confirmation email.
Simply tick the Have an automated email sent out to the user checkbox and you will then see the available options for defining your email content.
All automated emails in Funraisin allow you to have unlimited email templates, with the default template being a plain text email. If you would like to use something more specific such as a campaign email that you have used in the past or a purpose-built HTML email, simply jump across into Platform Setup > Email templates using the link provided and add or upload your HTML email template.
Once added you can select it from the Email Template drop-down list.
Defining which field we are to use for emailing
Your email with give you the option to Choose Field, where you'll need to define the data field to be used to send the email to. You can select this from the dropdown, but only fields that have been set up with data type, email will appear.
When creating your webform, it's essential that the email field you capture is setup with the below validation as show in the screenshot.
Data Type: Email Address
Validation Type: Email
Mandatory: Yes (so you definitely have an email address to send to.)
Defining field Data Type can come in handy later on for syncing data to your CRM or for purposes like this when we want to send an email to a specific field.
Adding Personalisation to your Emails
To add any personlisation into your confirmation emails, you can simply use the Option Name of your form field wrapped with a curly bracket on either side.
For example, if you created a field and gave it an Option Name Nickname, then you would simply use {Nickname} within your confirmation email’s subject line or email body, and whatever the user entered into that field would appear.
Hey {Nickname},
Thanks for reaching out....
If you’d like further help please pop in a support ticket from your Funraisin admin and our team will assist you.