Sizing Cheat Sheet
This is a quick sizing guide for some common elements used on the Funraisin platform - a useful tool when sourcing assets and content for your site!
In the article learn about sizings for:
Image optimisation
Recommended file sizes:
- Logos & icons: Less than 300KB
- Content images: Less than 500KB
- Header images: Less than 1MB
Header background
Important imagery should be kept within the middle 1200px to ensure it's not hidden on smaller screens. The height of the header background should match the header height, so a header that's 400px tall should use a 2500*400px image.
If you're creating a video header, the ideal dimensions for the video are 2000*800px, running for 10-15 seconds. The final video should be compressed to be under 15MB.
2500*600PX DESKTOP
800*1200PX MOBILE
Content images
Images that are uploaded to your platform should be relatively close to the size that they will be displayed at on the live site (e.g. if the image is displayed on the site at 400px wide the image used shouldn't be 2000px wide).
Generally we recommend a size around 800px for most images, but as mentioned above this can changed based on the context of where the image sits.
800*800PX JPG

Content videos
We recommend videos that are being added in content pages be hosted online with sites like YouTube or Vimeo, and then embeded on the platform with the Video Block. There are not many restrictions on dimensions in this case.
Shop products
Each product can have a product image (which will show on the product page) and a thumbnail image (which will show in Shop blocks).
800*800px JPG
Event thumbnail
Each event can have it's own dedicated thumbnail which shows in Event Blocks.
800*500px JPG
Profile picture
The default profile picture is used in leaderboards, featured fundraiser blocks, fundraising pages and dashboards. Profile pictures should be provided as square images, we can round them if needed using CSS.
400*400px JPG/PNG
At the minimum, you should use images that are 600*315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images.
1200*630px JPG

Email headers
Your graphic should be resized to 600x100px within email HTML. Height is dependent on design.
1200*200px JPG

Tax receipts
Your graphic should be resized down to fit within the receipt PDF. If the file provided doesn't exactly match the specs listed, it won't appear in the PDF correctly, so it's essential to follow this guide's recommended size and format.
2000*2000px JPG

If you’d like further help, please pop in a support ticket from your Funraisin admin, and our team will assist you.
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