The Knowledge Base

Reporting - Scheduling to send

30 Nov 1999

In the dynamic world of charitable organisations, being proactive is critical to your success. Scheduled reporting allows you to be strategically informed through daily, weekly, or monthly data exports which can be filtered to only show a subset of the data that you require.

In this article, we'll explore how to set up scheduled reports that can be sent directly to your email inbox. We’ll also cover the more technical details associated with the scheduled sending of our reports.

Scheduling to send

If a report is set to Active, then you can specify it to send to certain email addresses on a set schedule. Simply choose the Active radio button and save. If set to In-Active, it simply means it's not being emailed directly to you.

Once set to Active, you can choose your Delivery Frequency and Delivery Day.

You can also choose your Data Type:

  • New Records Only: This will only email you new records since the last send. For example, if it's being sent daily, then the records sent will be the new records in the last 24 hours since the previous send.
  • New & Updated Records: This will send you new records as above, but also any records which have been updated in that send period.
  • All Records: This will send you all records.

Email settings

Add in the email addresses to which you want the report to be sent (separated by commas) e.g.,

Next, select the time of day you want to receive the report. The early hours of the morning are recommended e.g. 5AM as the database won’t be as busy.

You can also add a subject line for your email, however, this is optional.

We also recommend that you check the box to ‘password protect the file’ as this will ensure that your customers' data is secure.

SFTP settings

+ SFTP stands for "Secure File Transfer Protocol" a secure method for transferring files between computers.

Enable SFTP

When this is enabled, it activates the secure SFTP method to transfer files over a network.


This is the IP address or domain name of the server to where your file will be sent to. You need to enter the specific host address given to you by your server or IT department.


This is the username required to access the SFTP server and is required for authentication. It's part of the credentials required to authenticate your access to the server.

SFTP Password

This is the password required to access the SFTP server and is required for authentication.

Path to File (include file name)

This is the specific location on the server where you want to store the file, along with the name of the file. For example, /files/funraisin/donations.csv means the file donations.csv will be stored in the Funraisin directory inside the files directory on the server.


This refers to the mode of file transfer - either binary or ASCII. Binary is used for non-text files like images, whereas ASCII is used for text files. This setting depends on the type of file you are transferring.

Our default is ASCII, as most of our reports are text-based.

API settings

API Access

This is the general term for accessing data or functionalities of an application, service, or platform via an Application Programming Interface (API).

You can send this link to a developer to access this data export via the API. The provided link contains the API endpoint and a placeholder for an API key.

API Endpoint

  • An API endpoint is a specific URL that is used to request and send data. It acts as a touchpoint for the two systems to communicate with each other.
  • An example endpoint is:
  • This is the full API endpoint URL provided for accessing the data export:
  •  The base URL is:
  • ?apikey={your-api-key} is a query parameter that adds your unique API key to the end of your URL for authentication.
    • The {your-api-key} placeholder should be replaced with your actual API key provided by the service.