Knowledge Base

Registration - Confirmation Email

You may already be familiar with platform level and event specific emails on Funraisin. These let you add emails that encompass all events or individual events respectively to customise your branding and messaging as you need.

Now, Entry form specific emails are now available to use in Funraisin so you can further customise your event to your needs.

An example for this may be you have one entry flow to only be for creating teams that need to have its own registration receipt email separate from the other entry flows. You may want to provide recruiting instructions to the entrants compared to general fundraising tips to the other flows.

Creating your Entry Specific Email

To add an event specific entry flow email, go to your event in the admin through the events module.

You will see the “Entry Forms” button in the white middle navigation area, click on this to see all of the entry forms for your event.

Click the edit button on the left side of the entry form you want to customise an email for.

You will land on a page where you can edit the steps, questions and details of the entry form, click the Automated emails tab towards the top of the page. 

This will show you any emails set on this entry form, to add an email click on the blue “Add Email” button.

You will see a series of options for the email you are creating. 

“Email name” is what you see in Funraisin to refer to this email. 

The “Email subject” is the subject line of the email the entrant receives.

“Email to override” is where you select what automated email you are customising specifically to entrants who register within your entry form.

The “Template” option lists all of the available email templates set in the design setup that contains the header and footer.

On the left of the lightbox is the “Email Content” tab that lets you add the copy to the email. Available is also some personalisation codes to further customize the email to the entrant.

Once you have your email ready, save it and the email will now be available to the entrants who use that registration flow.

If you’d like further help please pop in a support ticket from your Funraisin admin and our team will assist you.