Registration - Adding waves
Add waves to your event so entrants can choose a distance or time slot to take part in.
If you're running an event that has set distances or specific time slots that entrants need to choose, you can set up waves. Each wave can have a capacity cap and will automatically close once it's been reached.
You can add waves to a registration event, or to a ticketed event.
This article will take you through:
Setting up waves
To set up your waves, navigate to:
Your event > Advanced Options (white central nav) > Waves
Once you have navigated to add the wave you will be presented with the following options:
Entry Status: Determines whether the wave is open or closed.
Wave Name: The name of the wave that will be used when reporting. Ensure this is descriptive and unique, e.g. 5KM Walk
Wave Code: A code for the wave used for reporting
Category: Categories can be added so that options are grouped together.
Start time: Wave start time
Start Date: Wave start date
Entry Limit: The maximum amount of entrants allowed in the wave.
Bib Start (opt): An optional bib start number. If defined, it will be automatically be assigned to the entrant
Bib Colour (opt): An optional bib colour. If defined, that will automatically be assigned to the entrant
Image: You can add an image to appear next to each wave.
Text to appear: This is the information entrants will see. This could just be the name of the wave, but could also contain more information.
Adding waves to the registration flow
Once you've set up your waves, you can add them to your registration flow. They can either be added to the Create Account step or have their own Waves step.
To add as their own step, edit your entry flow and enable the Waves step. Ensure you set the step to Mandatory to prevent entrants from skipping.
The below example shows waves that have a category. This automatically groups them together.
If adding waves to the Create Account step, edit the step and tick to display waves.
Important to note, if adding to this step, you cannot use categories on the waves. If the waves are grouped into categories, they will not display on this step.
Reporting on waves
Within your Fundraisers report, you can pull in the details you defined within each wave.
You can also see what wave an entrant has chosen within their member record. Navigate to:
Their member record > Events (central white nav) > Edit the event (popup will appear) > Choose Waves on the left hand side
Adding waves to a ticketed event
If your event is ticketed, then you can remove Waves as a stand alone step from the registration flow. Instead, edit your Entry Types and select for Waves to show.
When the ticket purchaser reaches the multi-entry step, they will have to choose a wave for ticket holder.
Note, they will see a simple drop-down of wave options, they will not be split out into categories.
The chosen wave will then appear in the ticket holder record along with their ticket.
For reporting, within a ticket holder report, you can pull in the field 'Wave'.
If you’d like further help please pop in a support ticket from your Funraisin admin and our team will assist you