Knowledge Base

Refunding Donations

Refund donations made in error or during testing, either fully or partially. 

Who is this most useful for?

Admins who may be required to refund a donation made in error or during testing.

What can I do with it?

The refund section allows you to refund donations, whilst still keeping the record on the platform.

Option 1: Refunding the entire donation

Note: Donations made via PayPal will need to be refunded in PayPal as well as the platform.

Option 2: Refunding part of the donation

To process a partial refund you will need to have access to the Payments module - if you do not have access please ask a colleague who does have access or pop in a support ticket and the Support team will complete the partial refund for you.

Step by Step Guide:

Head to the Donations module and find the specific donation record you’d like to refund.

Click to Expand

Click the edit icon next to the donation record in question and you’ll land on the Personal Details tab.  In your middle navigation select the Payment Details option.

Click the refund tab and underneath tick the Perform a refund on this donation tick box, scroll up then Save.

Click to Expand

This will automatically connect up to your Stripe account and perform the refund.

There's NO NEED to also action the refund in Stripe.

If you are refunding a PayPal transaction, refunding in the Funraisin platform will not transfer any funds, to transfer funds back to the donor you will also need to perform the refund within your PayPal account as well.

If you’d like further help please pop in a support ticket from your admin and our team will assist you.