Loqate address lookup

by LA - Customer Success Manager 30 Nov 1999

Add Loqate address validation to your site, to allow address lookup for registration and donation forms

Loqate works by verifying addresses as the user begins to input details. Using this not only saves your supporters time when registering or donating but also helps manage the quality of the data inputted. With just a few details, the user can select their address, and the address fields are populated.

Adding Loqate to your platforms forms

Choosing to use Loqate as your address lookup is quite a simple process, and just needs to be enabled. There are a few different address lookup services we use depending on where you are based, however Loqate is the most accurate for Australia.

Navigate to :

Platform Set Up > Platform Settings > Address Validation > select Loqate in the dropdown list of available services > Save

Click to Expand

By changing this setting, Loqate will replace the Google Look Up service on your registration and donation forms.

If you are not using a lookup service on your forms, then in the address field settings you will have Show all fields ticked. This allows the user to manually input their address when registering or donating. If this is ticked, even if Loqate is enabled, it will not work. 

If you're using Loqate, then Show all fields does not need to be ticked on your forms. The address prompt will look like the below image, where the user can begin typing in their address and it will begin to provide suggestions that refine as they type.

Click to Expand

Click to Expand

Click to Expand

Loqate works across both registration and donation forms to provide your supporters with an easy and smooth user journey. 

If you’d like further help please pop in a support ticket from your Funraisin admin and our team will assist you.