To best understand supporters' behaviour on your platform, it’s worth setting up some tracking. Your platform supports tracking code from various third-party suppliers, the most popular being Google.
Google Analytics 4 was released in October 2020, however in July 2023, replaced Google Analytics. GA4 can provide you with an overview of what is happening on your site, such as users, where they’re coming from, conversions, and how adverts are performing.
We recommend managing your GA4 via Google Tag Manager and have created a container to upload.
This article will guide you through:
Important: Please be advised that Funraisin can offer limited support on GA4 setup, and we would advise charities seeking external agency support if they do not have in-house expertise.
The basic setup
This setup must be managed by the charity or a partner agency.
The first thing you need to do is ensure you have a GA4 account which you can create for your charity for free. Once done, you’ll need to create a new property for your Funraisin site. When doing so ensure your currency matches that of your site.
When choosing the platform type, choose Web and add in your site URL. Once set up, you need to grab your ‘measurement ID’ which for example, would look like: G-CRN12RT7KH.
Navigate over to your Google Tag Manager Account, and create a container. Name your container, choose Web, and create. Once done, a popup will appear with GTM code. This code can be copied and added to your platform.
Adding tracking code to your platform
To add to your platform, navigate to:
Platform Setup > Tracking & Analytics > Global Tracking Code
Expand Google Tag Manager and add the first section of code into the first box. And the copy the second section of code into the No Script Code box. Once added Save.

Now click on Event/E-commerce Tracking in the white central nav and ensure the Tracking method is set to Google Tag Manager, and GTM Version is GA4.

Getting set up in Google Tag Manager
This setup must be managed by the charity or a partner agency.
Funraisin has created a container file to accommodate GA4 and set you up for success. This JSON file can be downloaded here.
Within GTM, navigate to Admin > Import container > Choose container file > Import Json file.
Choose Existing Workspace > Default > Merge > Rename > Confirm Once confirmed, your workspace will be populated with a number of tags, triggers and variables that can be used for other tracking requirements such as adwords etc. The key elements are donations, registrations and shop purchases which are all tracked with their associated tags. In some cases there are multiple triggers for each of these events depending on user interaction so when setting up additional tracking in tag manager please ensure you are using the same triggers as on the base event tags.
An update that must be made by charities, is navigating to Tags in the left-hand menu > edit the GA4 file > update the Measurement ID that you previously got from GA4 and save.
Your Tags section will now have seven different tags to track conversions, donations, purchases etc. You can then add Triggers to these tags to track behaviour across your site.
You should also ensure that you have cookie consent managed from inside GTM and have the relevant triggers and exceptions in place for the tags that have been added by the package.
We are unable to change the structure of the default datalayer and only have the information available in here, if you need to add any additional data this would need to be done from an additional data layer push you can do in the platform.
Common Questions
Can we amend the DataLayer?
We’ve tried hard to accommodate everything possible in your data layer, and unfortunately, there are no further fields we are able to add.
If you would like to know more about which information is sent when adding tracking code, please see this article,
If you’d like further help, please pop in a support ticket from your admin, and our team will assist you.