My Updates

This is an update!
Monday 29th JunTo enable different blog types, head to platform setup, then select fundraising options. Scroll down to the blog tab, and tick “Split Default Blogs.” Now, your fundraisers will be able to add in any of the “Allowed Post types” you’ve enabled on their Dashboard. They just need to log in and go to “Edit my Page.”
The Standard Post type of user content is the blog post you and many fundraisers will already be familiar with. The same goes for the “Image” blog type, where you can add in images with captions.
The Tik Tok blog type allows fundraise to link a video from Tik Tok and have it embedded onto their fundraising page, using a copied and pasted link.
Similar to this, a YouTube blog post allows a fundraiser to embed Youtube Videos. This blog type also supports any Youtube Live videos- just copy and paste the ‘share’ link.

Mr. Shibeman
Monday 29th JunShare@powerupprops Mr. Shibeman #shiba #shibainu #sandmanchallenge #sandman #mrsandman #shibe #dog #foryou
♬ Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes