Matched Giving

Increase donations by adding a matched giver to your donation page, crowdfunding page or event.

Take a look at our example of a Matched Giving page: Matched Giving Page Example

Let's get started!

Get in touch if you'd like to create a matched giving campaign and we can talk through the process with you. For now, here are some tips for creating a great donation page where you can add your matched giver.

Key Points & Tips

  • Keep it simple - use a single call to action
  • Make the ask relevant and tangible
  • Show the specific impact of the donation
  • Create urgency
  • Keep the form simple to reduce friction
  • Thank your donors - eg: custom thank you page with video message from your organisation's CEO
  • Reach out if you'd like assistance!

Reach out now

You can either; login to your Funraisin admin to lodge a support ticket for your question, or create a support ticket on the fly while you're out and about by sending an email to:

We're here to help!