Raiser's Edge Default Mapping

30 Nov 1999

Learn more about the objects and field mapping between your Funraisin platform and your Raiser's Edge NXT integration.

Data mapping is essential in any integration; the feeding and storing of data from one system to another need to be defined. Below are the standard mappings that have been defined between Funraisin and Raiser's Edge NXT integration. If you require additional fields or further customisations on how the data are fed from Funraisin to Raiser's Edge NXT, please raise a ticket with Funraisin Support. Customisations in this integration are implemented within a 3-week timeline.

This article will cover:

We have another support article on connecting Raiser's Edge NXT to your Funraisin platform

Objects Mapping

The following  list shows how Funraisin objects are mapped to Raisers Edge NXT objects:

Members map to Constituent
Member marketing opin selections map to Constituent consent
Donors map to Constituent
Donors marketing opin selections map to Constituent consent
Donors who donate to Members map to Relationship
Transactions map to Gifts
Member events map to Constituent Codes
Raffle purchasers map to Constituent
Raffle sales map to Gifts
Shop purchasers map to Constituent
Shop sales map to Gifts

Field Mapping

The below tables show the standard field mapping from Funraisin to Raisers Edge NXT.


Members, Donors, Raffle purchasers and Shop purchasers

All donors, fundraisers, raffle and shop customers sync to the Constituent object using the following mapping.

Field API Name
Title title
First name first
Last name last
Birthdate day birthdate (d)
Birthdate month birthdate (m)
Birthdate year birthdate (y)
Email address email (address)
Email type email (type)
Email primary contact email (primary)
Gender gender
Phone number phone (number)
Phone type (home/work/mobile) phone (type)
Constituent type (individual) type
Address street address (address_lines)
Address suburb address (suburb)
Address state address (state)
Address country address (country)
Address postcode address (postal_code)
Address type address (type) 


All donors who donate to a member have a relationship created which links the two.

Field API Name
Donor constituent ID constituent_id
Relationship type reciprocal_type
Recipient constituent ID relation_id


Registrations, event ticket sales, donations, raffles sales and merchandise sales sync to the gift object with the following mapping

Field API Name
The sub-parts making up the total transaction gift_splits
The amount of the split gift_splits (amount)
The event associated with the gift gift_splits (appeal_id)
The fund receiving the amount gift_splits (fund_id)
The combined transaction value amount
The constituents making up the total transaction soft_credits
The amount of the sub-part of the transaction soft_credits (amount)
The constituent associated with the amount soft_credits (constituent_id)
The constituents making up the total transaction fundraisers
The amount of the sub-part of the transaction fundraisers(amount)
The constituent associated with the amount fundraisers (constituent_id)
The constituent associated with the gift constituent_id
Date date
The total of the gift amount (transaction_value)
Is an anonymous gift is_anonymous
Method of paying for the gift (credit card, cash) payment_type
Post date post_date
Post status post_status
A text summery of the gift reference
The type of gift (donation, registration etc) type


For all Raisers Edge related support enquiries, please pop in a support ticket in your Funraisin admin.