Designing for the future of fundraising tech

Funraisin Brand System Hub

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet urna quis enim volutpat efficitur. Nam magna velit, bibendum id ullamcorper non, pretium at ante. Duis molestie justo sit amet erat dictum cursus. Ut hendrerit libero vel ornare tempus. Pellentesque vel tortor id sapien dignissim hendrerit. Donec hendrerit libero et augue egestas, vel dictum nibh tempus. Integer ac consequat urna.


Our Logo consists of a Icon and wordmark, you can use the icon seperatley, we use it as a tag and visual accent. When using the wordmark the icon must always accompany it.


Our main logo with icon



Our Logo consists of a Icon and wordmark, you can use the icon seperatley, we use it as a tag and visual accent. When using the wordmark the icon must always accompany it.